Ocean Creatures & More Wiki
Striped burrfish

The Striped Burrfish, also called the Spiny Boxfish, are related to the Porcupinefish. It is distinguished from the Porcupinefish by the shorter, less sharply pointed, and immovable spines which cover the somewhat spherical body. Just like the Porcupinefish, it can inflate its stomach. The back and sides are irregularly striped with brownish, dusky, or black lines which are parallel to each other and which run obliquely downward. There are several large black spots on the sides, one just below the dorsal fin, and another behind the pectoral fin. Its maximum size is about 10 inches. It is found mostly in the tropics from the West Indies to Florida, and is found along the Atlantic coast, sometimes as far north as Cape Cod, and regularly during the late summer and fall in the vicinity of New York. It feeds on invertebrates such as oysters, barnacles, mussels, small crabs, and hermit crabs. It has no commercial value but is occasionally taken by fishermen and stuffed as a curio
