Ocean Creatures & More Wiki
Saddleback Clownfish

The Saddleback Clownfish, also known as the Saddleback Anemonefish, is a species of clownfish.

The saddleback clownfish can be found in the eastern parts of the Indian and the Western parts of the Pacific oceans. Like most clownfish, they are most often observed living in a symbiotic relationship with a host anemone for protection and in the wild are most often seen in association with the Saddle Carpet Anemone and the Sebae Anemone.

Saddleback Clownfish over an Anemone

Saddleback Clownfish over their Saddleback Carpet Anemone.

Color ranges from dark brown to yellow orange with a thick white bar located just behind the eyes. A large white abbreviated saddle shape or slanted white bar across the middle of the fish's body makes it quite obvious to see how it got the name Saddleback. In some varieties, typically those specimens initially associated with the Sebae Anemone the saddle shape may extend up onto the fish's Dorsal fin with a third white bar or margin located across the caudal peduncle. Melanistic variation has also been partially correlated with the fish's host anemone. Specimens associated with the Sebae Anemone tend to be darker than those associated with the Saddle Carpet Anemone. Aquarium specimens have been observed becoming lighter or darker after accepting a new host anemone species, sometimes within a few hours. They can reach a maximum length of 12 centimeters (4.7 in).

This fish is an omnivore. It eats algae as well as small crustaceans.

To be kept in an aquarium this species will do best in tanks of at least 30 US gallons (110 l) or larger, preferably aquascaped with live rock to allow multiple choices for hiding places. They should be fed small amounts of food, such as staple marine flake food with occasional frozen mysis shrimp or other small crustacean, two to three times per day.

The protection of a host anemone is not required in an aquarium and attempting to keep either of the species of anemones commonly associated with this clownfish in a captive aquarium environment is not recommended, even for experienced aquarists. This is due to the poor survival rate of wild collected specimens and the overall shortened lifespans these normally centarian organisms often experience in captivity.
